Wakanda Global Trust, LLC
Wakanda Global Trust, LLC is a Top Down, Social Justice Philanthropic and Project Management firm that funds, oversees and supports the development of programs that support diverse persons in need, people of color, disenfranchised, underemployed, and unemployed persons in the United States and globally.
We fund and manage projects that focus on the unique and generational challenges associated with people in need from all backgrounds, with a targeted focus on people from overlooked and marginalized populations.
We look towards supporting entrepreneurs, innovators, small businesses, and innovative not for profit, non-governmental and select governmental organizations, that have demonstrative, proven, historical support for the demographic of persons described herein.
From time to time, we will solicit for review proposals that have uniquely innovative approaches to serve our target audiences. Selected projects will be totally funded by Wakanda Global Trust, LLC.
If the initiative is entrepreneurial, innovative, knowledge based, uses technology in creative ways, substantially impacts people in need, people of color, or marginalized persons and neighborhoods, we will consider your proposal for funding. In most instances, we would fund projects on an incremental basis, with mutually agreed to performance metrics that will determine if additional funding will be forthcoming.
The proposals that have the greatest opportunity to be funded, are those where the proposed project has been validated. In other words, the requestor has proven on some acceptable level that the proposed project will make an impact, if granted the requested level of funding and other related support.
In some unique circumstances we will fully fund projects.
What We Are Looking For
Most of our funded projects are initiatives that have been led by entrepreneurial, passionate, innovative executers of projects and initiatives that serve others, especially our targeted demographic. The projects we fund are led by persons who have served our target audience in one way or another for a number of years. They are entrepreneurs, business owners, community activists, persons who cannot imagine themselves doing much of anything else.
Wakanda Global Trust, LLC supports initiatives where the leaders chase the dream of helping and motivating others. In the process of pursuing opportunities to help and motivate others, they frequently find that they are to acquire the resources to fund their programs, but they never quite have the funds to fulfill their larger vision.
Our Portfolio includes highly successful small businesses and programs that retain as a core offering, a purposeful and strategic offering to some of the most needy among us.
Who Is Wakanda Global Trust, LLC
Wakanda Global Trust, LLC is entrepreneurial by nature, with its leadership having extensive, practical expertise in project management, entrepreneurism, innovation, social justice and top down philanthropy, and small business development.
From time to time we solicit proposals that will be considered for funding solely based on the discretion of the Wakanda Global Trust Leadership Team.
Wakanda Global Trust, LLC at its core, are Top Down Philanthropists, who not only manage projects they have funded, but hydrate the projects of others that serve the demographic described herein.
Wakanda Global Trust, LLC operates based upon Judeo-Christian principles, and attempts to reflect those ethics each day in everything we do. Many of the projects we choose to fund, reflect our belief system.
In general, the Owners and Founders of our funded organizations and projects that are successful in being funded, directly or indirectly, support people in need, people of color and disenfranchised persons globally and in the United States.
It is important to understand that we are capitalists at heart. However, we believe capitalism has failed to share the wealth it generates with a much larger percentage of the population beyond the one percent of the one percent. Capitalism and the fiat financial system has failed in its efforts to marginalize the impact of hunger and poverty in the United States and globally.
We believe that for a historical number of socio-economic reasons, people of color, women and children, have been significantly and negatively impacted in this economy. As a result, there is an almost insurmountable wealth gap with this demographic of persons when compared to the majority population.
Our goal is to help marginalize the impact of the wealth gap, poverty, hunger, and the lack of available startup capital for diverse persons and their entrepreneurial pursuits, who would otherwise be fundable.
We currently have funded or are projecting to hydrate projects in the following locations:
- Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States
- Southeastern United States
- Southern California United States
- Midwestern United States
- Indonesia
- Benin Africa
- Kenya *
- Zimbabwe *
- Liberia
- China *
We fund projects that change the trajectory for:
- People in need
- People of color, Women and children
- Disenfranchised
- Marginalized
- Underemployed
- Unemployed
- Overlooked
- Left in the gaps
Criteria for the type of Organizations and the Projects that Wakanda Supports
Missions should be focused on benefiting society, not on sustaining organizational or individual egos or vested interests.
To this end, we offer a few recommendations:
Organizations should assess whether their missions can be more effective and efficiently served through collaboration, coordination, cooperation and perhaps consolidation to reduce overhead and expenses in fulfilling those missions.
Charities should be responsible stewards and focus on raising money for their respective missions rather than spending it on unnecessary overhead or fundraising events that cost more than they bring in.
Donors should be encouraged to help solve problems and strive to have their names linked with meaningful programs rather than just adorning buildings and plaques.
All transactions and relationships should be transparent, with full disclosure at all times to maintain integrity and trust.
Organizations should implement innovative funding models including donor advised funds that allow donors to make a gift to a public charity, receive an immediate tax benefit and then recommend grants to the charity of their choice when they want; and social impact funds where investors can “do good” while seeking a competitive return.
When an organization’s mission has been realized it should either find another meaningful purpose for its existence, or retire gracefully and disperse whatever intellectual or financial assets are left in its coffers to other deserving, relevant causes.
Charity should not necessarily start at home, but should be based on meeting needs not being met.